Download “”.
Login WordPress as administrator
Click on Plugins –> Add New
On “Install Plugins” page, click on “Upload”
Browse and select “” and click on “Install Now”
Once you have successfully installed the plugin you have to activate it, so can use it on your website.
Now you can start setting up plugin:
Goto ”Appearance->Widget”.Active the PayPal Widget and Configure the setting.
[bs_paypal_shortcode paypal_email=”” org_name=”BarrelSoftware” donate_info=”Donation” donate_amount=”10″ currency_code=”USD” button=”small” sandbox=”enable”]Parameter of attribute shortcode:
List Of Currency (“currency_code”): ‘USD’,’AUD’,’BRL’,’GBP’,’CAD’,’CZK’,’DKK’,’EUR’,’HKD’,’HUF’,’ILS’,’JPY’,’MXN’,’TWD’,’NZD’,’NOK’,’PHP’,’PLN’,’RUB’,’SGD’,’SEK’,’CHF’,’THB’
Sandbox: ’enable’,’disable’
Button: ’small’,’ large_with_card’,’ large_without_card’